Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I Have This Story to Tell . . .

I Have This Story to Tell . . . Wherever I appear, invariably someone comes up to me and asks how they can get published. I open the dialogue with questions such as: 1) Have you finished writing the story? 2) Have you edited the story with a vengeance a zillion times? 3) Have you gotten feedback from non-friends and non-family who understand the genre? 4) Have you studied indie versus traditional and understand the details of both? Maybe I ask a few more questions depending upon the nature and interests of the person. We might delve into platform and online presence. But the eyes of half those writers interrupt or divert back into a long explanation about the story; why they are writing it; what its about; why it needs to be told. I gently pull them back to the original question about publishing, and learning the craft well enough to be worthy of publishing. Some come back with me. Then there are those who, like a rubber band, launch back into a dissertation about the story. Inevitably we part, with nothing accomplished other than the writer is happy they were able to talk about their story. We didnt really discuss much about writing well or publishing smart. While the person said they wanted to know those answers, they were too wrapped up in the story. They didnt want to hear the hard part of the journey. Theyre too busy enjoying the dream. I understand that to a point. They are living the story in their head. Its a great one to know, to tell. But all they want to know about the business after the writing is PUBLISH. They want a short cut from GOOD STORY IDEA to PUBLISH, without the details. The vast chasm that is writing, editing, developing a voice, and learning the business is considered a minor obstacle in the quest to get from point A to point B, not understanding theres a long journey of canyons, mountains, and hell/fire/brimstone in between. Keep in mind that writing is more about the craft than about the subject matter. A beautiful writer can write about anything. A mediocre writer with a good idea rarely makes it off the ground. The best advice I can give you is to learn how to write (take classes, join writers groups, hire an editor) then publish. Everyone has a journey, but not everyone takes the time to learn how to write it well. Fewer still learn how to put it into print so that the GOOD STORY IDEA can reach readers. Fall in love with your story, but fall in love with the other parts, too.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Peter the Hermit and the First Crusade

Peter the Hermit and the First Crusade Peter the Hermit was known for preaching Crusade throughout France and Germany and instigating the movement of common folk that became known as the Crusade of the Poor People. He was also known as Cucu Peter, Little Peter or Peter of Amiens. Occupations CrusaderMonastic Places of Residence and Influence Europe and France Important Dates Born: c. 1050Disaster at Civetot: Oct. 21, 1096Died: July 8, 1115 About Peter the Hermit Peter the Hermit may have visited the Holy Land in 1093, but it wasnt until after Pope Urban II made his speech in 1095 that he began a tour of France and Germany, preaching the merits of the crusade as he went. Peters speeches appealed not only to trained knights, who usually followed their princes and kings on a crusade, but to laborers, tradesmen, and peasants. It was these untrained and disorganized folk who followed Peter the Hermit most eagerly to Constantinople in what became known as The Peoples Crusade or The Crusade of the Poor People. In spring of 1096, Peter the Hermit and his followers left Europe for Constantinople, then moved on to Nicomedia in August. But, as an inexperienced leader, Peter had trouble maintaining discipline among his unruly troops, and he returned to Constantinople to seek assistance from Byzantine Emperor Alexius. While he was gone the bulk of Peters forces was slaughtered by the Turks at Civetot. Disheartened, Peter almost returned home. Eventually, however, he made his way to Jerusalem, and just before the city was stormed he preached a sermon on the Mount of Olives. A few years after the capture of Jerusalem, Peter the Hermit returned to France, where he established an Augustinian monastery at Neufmoustier. Resources The Crusade of the Poor People Catholic Encyclopedia: Peter the Hermit  - Concise biography by Louis Brehier. Peter the Hermit and the Popular Crusade: Collected Accounts  - Collection of documents taken from August. C. Kreys 1921 publication, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eyewitnesses and Participants. The First Crusade

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Major trends today in the change in labour force Essay

Major trends today in the change in labour force - Essay Example There are basically seven major factors that motivate small and large companies in diversifying their workforces. These seven factors include the social responsibility, economic payback, resource imperative, legal requirement, marketing strategy, strategy related to business communications and strategy building. As a good diversity practice the people from disadvantaged groups of a community are considered and this relates to corporate responsibility of any business. Through diversification of the workforce the individuals can get a break required for earning a living. Diversification of workforce that is through welfare to work is likely to turn the tax users in tax payers. The changing demographics have greatly affected the workforce. The labor pool today includes people from various backgrounds and different life experiences. Under the legislation many companies round the world are observing equal employment opportunity that makes it best possible to utilize a workforce that is di verse. Nowadays in such a competitive world to fulfill a customer base that is extensive diverse it is very important to have a diverse workforce which is capable of making up for the customer base from every walk of life. For the companies that opt for retaining the homogenous workforces things are likely to become ineffective very soon. While recruiting the employees all the successful companies generally look for a diverse workforce and value them for their unique abilities and qualities. Analysis of Workforce Diversity Valuing and managing the workforce diversity is one of the key elements of effective management of people. This can ultimately enhance the workforce productivity and the overall performance of the company. The demographic changes like organizational restructuring, women in working places and the legislation related to equal employment opportunity require the companies a review of their management procedures and the development of new and innovative ways to manage people. Advantages of Workforce Diversity Diversity at the workplace has a lot of benefits that are discussed ahead. Workforce diversity is probable to lead towards an innovative and creative culture that has no limits. A diverse workforce can lead a profit making by ideas, creativity, innovation and exchange of knowledge (Esty, et al., 1995). An organization that has built up a rapport for diverse workforce is famous for attracting the best talent from all parts of the world. Marketing of products can be made easier as people with different backgrounds can come up with unique marketing campaigns that are likely to increase the sale. People from different areas speak different languages so the workforce that is diverse can understand and can develop better bonds with the customers as the company has employees that can speak various numbers of languages. Workforce diversity is also taken to play a crucial part in the effective solving of problems nowadays. By the diversity different talents are put together and different set of skills is used that increase productivity of the organization. By attracting and retaining the employees with diverse skills, competencies, talents, knowledge etc. the company is likely to win a competitive advantage. Diversity assists in building a synergy amongst teams and improves the communication skills. A lot of money can be saved by this diversification process as this is what the legislation of any country says. Challenges related to Workforce

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

TSA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

TSA - Essay Example They also check and verify passengers’ travel documents. They keep a check on cargo buildings of companies that ship items on planes when there are no passengers aboard. A TSO cannot perform shift maintenance on equipment. He is trained three weeks in a classroom setting and needs to complete 80 hours of on-the-job training to become a TSO. Without TSOs, the security checkpoint could not be run properly and efficiently. The TSOs are only accountable for their own selves, whereas LTSOs and STSOs are held responsible for other officers in addition to their own actions. The next category is the Lead Transportation Security Officer (LSTO). He is the go-between for the TSOs and STSOs. LSTOs train entry level TSOs for their 80 hours of on-the-job training. LTSOs are the head of the exit lane. They keep the supplies stocked for the day for every security lane. They check planes making sure that there are no threats before the passengers board the plane. They can do all basic maintenance on equipment that is used daily, for example, they perform maintenance on the Explosion Trace Detector (ETD) to make sure it is detecting explosives. LTSOs report to the operation center any issues regarding the equipment that may raise doing the course of the day. An LTSO deals with passenger issues that a TSO could not have resolved. They are responsible for everyone on their lane such as they control and supervise passengers without using physical restraint. An LTSO cannot complete the daily operational paperwork as they do not have access to employee personal files. The last category is the Supervisory Transportation Security Officer (STSO) who is held accountable for every officer. STSOs are trained at TSO level because they are responsible for making sure that all officers are doing their job correctly. All officers get daily briefing from STSOs before going to their respective shifts. STSOs must complete all daily

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The themes and issues in Arthur Millers Essay Example for Free

The themes and issues in Arthur Millers Essay Whenever playing the part of Proctor you would have to get across to the audience that he is obviously outspoken and blunt in his view of witchcraft, but he chooses to downplay the significance of Abigails accusations. He has a tendency to remain apart from the rest of Salem, which is shown through his decision not to attend church, his rows with Parris and his facing up to the officials of the court. When acting therefore, a strong independence of character has to be shown. His tendency to remain apart from the group could be shown by the actor placing himself far away from the rest of the characters on the stage, except for Elizabeth who he truly loves and wants to please. There are individuals nowadays who, just like John, also remain far apart from todays society. These people are looked upon as being strange and odd as they question original ideas and produce their own. For example, people who think that abortions are wrong as seen as strange and peculiar. Some think it is wrong for people to have opinions for themselves and that they should stick to the rules but I think it is people like John, who stand out and get listened to, that keep our communities strong. Another side of Proctor, which would be difficult to portray on stage, is one of his greatest strengths: his manliness. I would consider this as being a challenge because although it is one of his strengths, it is also one of his weaknesses as it leads him to his affair with Abigail. The guilt he feels over this act of betrayal prevents him from speaking out soon enough and contributes to his eventual imprisonment and death. Hence, he dies a death engendered by his own strength, which gains in significance due to the weakness of others. Guilt is an emotion which most of us feel today and often affects decisions we have to make, just like the conflicts, which Proctor had to overcome. We can tell Proctor is a good man as he does what his conscience told him to do tear up the confession, which leads to his death. We also see Elizabeths actions when guilt overcomes her too. In act three she lies because she feels partly responsible for Johns looking elsewhere for love. Elizabeth is a woman who never lies but she is prepared to lie to defend Proctor because her love for him and her guilt over not treating him as well as she could. This is a good comparison on how guilt can make you react in different situations. When acting the part of Elizabeth a difference of attitude would have to be shown between act two and three. Is act two she is very suspicious of Proctor and it is obvious that she doesnt trust him which could be shown in her finding it hard to make eye contact with him and not being very affectionate towards him. In act three she feels so sorry about the way she had acted before and it is clear that she loves her husband very much.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Solar Energy Essay -- Essays Papers

Solar Energy Since the beginning of humanity, people have relied on the sun for their daily needs. Whether it is to grow the crops that they eat, dry clothes or warm their family, people have relied on the resource of the sun for sustainability. It was not until people started to get the idea of managing this energy source, that people were able to fully take advantage of the sun. In 1767, a Swiss scientist discovered a practical way to harness the energy of the sun. Horace de Saussure invented the â€Å"solar hot box,† the first devise to attract and capture the energy capabilities of the sun. The main uses of this primitive solar box consisted of cooking food, distilling water and pumping water for irrigation. It was not until the 1880’s that America caught on to this new source of energy. Introduced by John Ericcson, this engineer created solar power engines, used for power steam generators onboard ships. The most famous person credited with exposing solar capabilities to the west, however, was Clarence Kemp, the first man to patent solar water heaters in 1897. His invention caught on so well, that within seven years, thirty-percent of houses in California were using his invention. This was just the beginning of solar energy’s popularity within the US. In 1908, Carnegie Steel Company’s William J. Bailey produced the solar panels we are most familiar with today. The popularity of the solar power boom peaked around the end of World War I, when â€Å"more than 4,000 rooftop solar water heaters had been sold, and more than 60,000 were in place† (EIA). Shortly after this, scientists discovered the possibilities of solar energy in space. Even to date, many satellites and space projects take advantage of this renewable... ...olar energy has undergone many stages throughout its existence, especially within the United States. At the beginning of its discovery, carried out through its peak in popularity around the 40’s and 50’s, solar energy enjoyed its time in the spot light. Due to limits on where solar plants can be built, inefficiency, unreliability and high prices, the use of this fairly environmentally friendly, renewable energy source has dwindled. While some hope for advances in the methods of collecting solar energy, currently it does not have the ability to meet our world’s ever-growing consumption of energy. Works Cited - â€Å"Current Uses and Future Prospects.† . - Energy Information Administration (EIA). The U.S. Government.. - â€Å"Solar Power.† Energy Matters. .

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Coke & Pepsi learn to compete in India Essay

Timing of entry into the Indian market brought different results for PepsiCo and Coca-Cola India. What benefits or disadvantages accrued as a result of earlier or later market entry? Coca-Cola (1990) Benefits: advantages as „Early-Followerâ€Å", possibility to use reliable market information that ´s already existing take-over of standards position as international market leader Disadvantages: expert knowledge of competitors has to be overtaken gain trust of new customers as „anotherâ€Å" foreign company PepsiCo (1986) Benefits: early entry while the market is developing achievement of a good market position enforcement of product standards early impact on local producers (26% market share for Pepsi Food) Disadvantages: high costs for tapping a new market local demand for carbonated drinks very low at that time The Indian market is enormous in terms of population and geography. How have the two companies responded to the sheer scale of operations in India in terms of product policies, promotional activities, pricing policies and distribution arrangements? Coca-Cola Product policies: focus on all beverages that are non-carbonated Kinley Brand of bottled water introduction of new brands, introduction of new size „Miniâ€Å" Promotional activities: build a connection with the youth market Business plan: â€Å"Think local – act local†: Lucky draws where you can win a free trip to Goa, TV campaigns, employing local and regional festivals and sport events, building a connection with the youth: use of music and ballet, short films, work with actors and actresses Campaign slogan: †Cool means coca cola† Retail outlet â€Å"Red Lounge† where the youth can spent time and consume Coke products. Pricing policies: Low prices and later on even reducing of prices (Skimming pricing) Price bundles („Buy one – get one freeâ€Å") Distribution arrangements: Red Lounge Focus on Southern India Pepsi Product policies: bolstering non-cola portfolio and other categories: fruit juices juice-based drinks and water, introduction of new products Promotional activities: Sponsorship of garba, TV campaigns, employing local and regional   festivals and sport events, sponsorship of Cricket and Football as well as a music video with Bollywood stars. Pricing policies: aggressive pricing policy (impact on local producer Parle) Distribution arrangements: focus on northern and western parts of India Which of the two companies has better long-term prospects for success in India? Why? PepsiCo has better long-term prospects for success in India  earlier market entry than Coca Cola  non-cola portfolio makes one-fourth of the overall business in India (e.g. significant player in the packaged water market)   following the consumers lifestyle of sports and exercise through fitting advertisement not as bad as Coca-Cola involved in the pesticide accusation What lessons can each company draw from its Indian experience as it  contemplates entry into other big emerging markets? It’s not possible to transfer the complete marketing strategy from Europe or US to the Asian market. You have to know about the cultural and governmental   specifics of the market where you want to be successful. Communication policy: In India people interpret a policy of silence as guilt so the company has to get into a street fight if something wrong is published.  It’s important to know much about the local market: Which products are sold to which price? Who are the  market leaders? How aggressive is the competition?

Saturday, November 9, 2019


A1. Role of Enzymes in Processes Enzymes are organic catalysts that help to speed up the breakdown of a molecule, such as fructose. The enzyme helps a chemical reaction take place quickly so that the reaction happens properly. In order for that to happen the enzymes process by the lock and key model, the lock is the substrate and the enzyme is the key. The active sites are specific to a certain substrate of a molecule, so the enzymes only have one job to do. The shape of an enzyme is not changed or consumed during these reactions.However, without enzymes the reactions would take too long and would not breakdown properly. A2. Deficiency in Aldolase B In hereditary fructose intolerance there is a protein lacking that is needed to breakdown fructose. Aldolase B is the substance needed to breakdown fructose. Without the Aldolase B the body is not able to change glycogen into glucose that the body needs. When this happens an individual’s blood sugar can fall and substances will bui ld up in the liver causing more health issues.With an absence of the enzyme Aldolase B, fructose cannot be broken down causing hereditary fructose intolerance. Symptoms can be severe, â€Å"these include severe abdominal pain, vomiting, and hypoglycemia following ingestion of fructose or other sugars metabolized through fructose-1-phosphate. Prolonged fructose ingestion in infants leads ultimately to hepatic and/or renal failure and death. † (Haldeman-Englert, 2011) A4. Substrate The specific substrate acted on by Aldolase B is fructose-1-phosphate (F1P).This then is converted into DHAP and glyceraldehyde. Once the conversion is finished the product can enter the glycolysis cycle to from ATP or energy used for the body. â€Å"In normal cellular conditions, the primary enzymatic activity of aldolase B is to cleave fructose diphosphate (FDP). † (Roth, 2012) A5. Role of Aldolase B Aldolase B is the substance needed to breakdown fructose. Its specific role is to speed up t he breakdown process of fructose to a more usable from in the body.Aldolase B is primary found in the liver, but can also be found in the small intestines and kidneys. B1. Interconversions of Cori Cycle If the Cori Cycle occurred and then remained in a single cell, no useful metabolic work would be complete. The reason for this is that â€Å"if the Interconversions of the Cori Cycle were to take a place within a single cell it would constitute a â€Å"futile cycle† with glucose being consumed and resynthesized at the expense of the ATP and GTP hydrolysis. (Campbell & Farrell, 2008) If this were to happen the cycle would essentially be running in opposite directions, having no affect and wasting energy. Having both the glycolysis portion and the gluconeogenesis portion going at the same time, will result in glucose being converted in to pyruvate by glycolysis and then converted back to glucose by gluconeogenesis, all this will cause a use of ATP, not making. The cycle needs t o take place in order to produce ATP, an energy source for the body especially during muscle activity. B3.Defect Preventing Conversion of ADP to ATP Having a deficiency in the Citric Acid cycle can create the entire cycle to halt essentially. Having the citric acid cycle halt can create a build-up of lactic acid, decreasing the amount of oxygen getting to the tissues. Hypothetically the Citric Acid cycle is missing the enzyme malate; â€Å"Malic acid acts as a catalyst in the Kreb’s cycle to increase energy production from the burning of pyruvic acid. Malic acid also aids in exercise recovery by counteracting the build-up of lactic acid. (Ward, 2011) Missing the malic acid can create chronic fatigue, muscular myalgia, and arthritic-like pains. Any disturbances to the cycle can produce and contribute to neurological and physical problems. B4. Role of Coenzyme Q10 The role of Coenzyme Q10 in ATP synthesis is unique. It can function in every cell of the body to make energy; no other molecule can perform this function. The enzyme is very hydrophobic, so it can move freely within the cell membrane.Its special function is that is can accept and donate electrons, which plays a big role in the electron transport chain. â€Å"It accepts electrons generated during fatty acid and glucose metabolism and then transfers them to electron acceptors. At the same time, Coenzyme Q transfers protons outside the inner mitochondrial membrane, creating a proton gradient across that membrane. The energy released when the protons flow back into the mitochondrial interior is used to from ATP. † (Higdon, 2003)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Using ONE example to illustrate your points, expla Essays (2138 words)

Using ONE example to illustrate your points, expla Essays (2138 words) Using ONE example to illustrate your points, explain how to evaluate a research study Plan Does the evidence to support claims Experimental design Sampling method and participants 3. Methodological problems and their implications/are there any contradictions or inconsistencies within data (Ecological validity and reliability) How are confounding variables are controlled? Representativeness Recognition of bias Is it reductionist? 4. Does it establish a cause-effect relationship 5. Does it extend current knowledge? Sample study: Loftus and Palmer (1974) An extensive evaluation of a psychological study consists of a thorough examination of its strengths and limitations.This consists of a critical analysis of the holistic experimental process of how the experiment was carried out, with particular emphasis to the methodology of the study. An example experiment conducted by Loftus and Palmer (1974), investigates whether language used in eyewitness testimony can alter memory. This hypothesis was tested by using leading questions to distort eyewitness testimony. The experimental design is the first approach to evaluating a psychological study. In this example, the experimental design for Loftus and Palmer (1974) was an independent groups design and was conducted in a rigorously controlled laboratory environment. Loftus and Palmer (1974), had five conditions where one of each was experienced by each participant (Mcleod 2017). The independent variable was the intensity of the verb to describe two cars in a traffic accident film; thus, the five groups were using the verbs "contact", "hit", "bumped", "collided" and "smashed". The strengths of using independent groups design are that more subjects can be used for the experiment rather than having the same subjects perform all the conditions of the experiment as in a repeated measures design. Using an independent groups prevents participant fatigue as the participants did not have to perform all five conditions, which could be a confounding variable affecting the results of the study. However, a disadvantage is that the differences between the participants, such as age, gender, or culture which could affect the results. This is because there can be inferences and judgement made from the studies which were rather "due to individual differences r ather than the independent variable condition" (Danshepherd 2012) . The second step is to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the sampling method and the participants used. The sampling method used in Loftus and Palmer's (1974) experiment used opportunity sampling. Although practical, using opportunity sampling can contribute to bias because it means using only the participants available at a given time and place rather than being representative of a general population. Furthermore, the participants used in Loftus and Palmer's (1974) experiment were all undergraduate students. Students are not representative of the general population and with regards to this experiment, they may be less experienced drivers and therefore, this would have altered their perception of the verb used when estimating speeds (Mcleod 2017). Lastly, the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology should be acknowledged when evaluating any psychology experiment. The implications of the choices taken by the researcher to control variables, and whether there were any inconsistencies with the data should be identified. Loftus and Palmer's (1974) experiment was a highly controlled laboratory experiment. Therefore, one argument made as a weakness is that the results are not ecologically valid because in real life, people do not watch films of an incident. Instead, they witness these incidents first hand. Therefore, the study conducted by Yuille and Cutshall (1986) contradicts this study by making the participants witness an incident first hand which "found that misleading information did not alter the memory of people who had witnessed a real armed robbery". (Mcleod 2017). However, due to the controlled nature of the experiment, it is reliable and easy to replicate. The confounding variables are easier to control in a laborato ry experiment. This prevents these extraneous variables affecting the results of the study. Hence, it is plausible to suggest a cause-effect relationship from the study. Using TEACUPs to evaluate theories Evaluate ONE theory from the BLOA and ONE theory from the CLOA using the TEACUP approach: BLOA theory: Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution Those who adapt best to environmental challenges will have a greater chance of survival, reproduction, and passing on genes. Natural selection refers to the idea that members of a species that survive competition and breed will

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Profile of the Prehistoric Archelon

Profile of the Prehistoric Archelon Name: Archelon (Greek for ruling turtle); pronounced ARE-kell-on Habitat: Oceans of North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (75-65 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 12 feet long and two tons Diet: Squids and jellyfish Distinguishing Characteristics: Leathery shell; wide, paddlelike legs About Archelon Dinosaurs werent the only animals that grew to immense sizes during the late Cretaceous period. At a whopping 12 feet long and two tons, Archelon was the one of the largest prehistoric turtles that ever lived (it used to be on top of the charts, until the discovery of the truly stupendous Stupendemys of South America), about the size (and shape, and weight) of a classic Volkswagen Beetle. By comparison with this North American behemoth, the largest Galapagos tortoises alive today weigh a little over a quarter of a ton and measure about four feet long! (The closest living relative of Archelon, the Leatherback, comes much closer in size, some adults of this seagoing turtle weighing close to 1,000 pounds.) Archelon differed significantly from modern turtles in two ways. First, its shell wasnt hard, but leathery in texture, and supported by an elaborate skeletal framework underneath; and second, this turtle possessed unusually wide, flipper-like arms and legs, with which it propelled itself through the shallow Western Interior Sea that covered much of North America about 75 million years ago.  Like modern turtles, Archelon had a human-like life span as well as a nasty bite, which would have come in handy when tussling with the giant squids that constituted the bulk of its diet. One specimen on display in Vienna is thought to have lived for over 100 years, and probably would have survived much longer if it hadnt asphyxiated on the sea floor. Why did Archelon grow to such an enormous size? Well, at the time this prehistoric turtle lived, the Western Interior Sea was well-stocked with the vicious marine reptiles known as mosasaurs (a good example being the contemporary Tylosaurus), some of which measured over 20 feet long and weighed four or five tons. Clearly, a speedy, two-ton marine turtle would have been a less appetizing prospect to hungry predators than smaller, more pliable fish and squids, though its not inconceivable that Archelon occasionally found itself on the wrong side of the food chain (if not by a hungry mosasaur, then perhaps by a plus-sized prehistoric shark like Cretoxyrhina).

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Homework - Assignment Example Mallor, et al., 2012) in their contract stating that full payment for the ordered goods will be rendered upon successful delivery of goods in perfect condition. Whereas, any circumstance that result to failure of delivery will therefore discharge the buyer from paying the agreed amount for the transaction. Setting conditions in a contract protects both parties from being charged with breach especially if failure of delivery is a result of force majeure. On the other hand, the seller must secure a conditioned contract with a third party - insurance companies of the cargo ships – where, under the classification of condition precedent (Mallor, et al., 2012), the monetary amount insured will be collected by the seller in instances that their goods are damaged during transport. In addition, their bond with the buyer must indicate specific conditions to prevent allegation of breach of contract from the other party if such circumstance occur. Nevertheless, condition stated by the seller must indicated non-performance of expected duty only in force majeure situations such as bad weather condition that result in damage of goods during transport thus preventing excuses to non-performance other that what is indicated in the contract (Mallor, et al.,